Cooling the Planet Through GeoEngineering the Real Global Warming.

Two pieces of information I came across some weeks ago were like missing pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that were required to complete the picture I was putting together regarding the fate of this planet.

Geo-engineers have been spraying the Arctic and Antarctica under the pretense of enhancing the environment. 
The same is happening with chem-trails. Cloud layer enhancement is being done in a supposed attempt to deflect radiation and heat from the sun.
Are scientists really so gullible?
Or are scientists so self-absorbed that they will do anything to ensure they remain employed.
Three scientists appear to have been too inquisitive and have disappeared as a warning to those who do not turnover and sell their souls. 
Now this could be fake news. However, I think not. 
If you have ever defrosted ice, you will know that it breaks up in unexpected places because of channels of water following the path of least resistance.
As documented and reported some time back, the Rothschild connection with the climate change propaganda is no coincidence. They have determined that climate change is going to be a key factor in bringing about a one world government.
When you realize how easily people have been fooled by the deception of the Obama’s being the ideal heterosexual family of four, it will not be difficult fooling every government to accept the lie that there is only one option to controlling the globe’s weather.
Controlling the money alone is proving to be not sufficient to control the nations of the globecurrency can be changed (e.g. bitcoin) and alternative forms of trading can be employed (e.g. bartering). 
Control the weather and you can bring nations to their knees; for everyone is affected by the weather. 
People do not go around saying for an icebreaker, “How is your bank balance?”
They would probably say, “Cold  (hot or humid or windy or lousy or wet or terrible) weather!”
 And sometimes: “What a glorious day!”
People think that the Rothschild’s have no influence in China. Yet Evelyn Rothschild controls the weather channel in China. 
By controlling the technology and forecasting what to expect the weather is going to do, while spraying the appropriate chemicals in the stratosphere to affect the troposphere or directly into the troposphere—as seen in chem-trails—not only is the atmosphere affected, so too is the ground and all that is on it.
In the Arctic and Antarctic, spraying has been taking place to supposedly rejuvenate the plankton which, as a consequence, has shown up with an increase in atmospheric biological aerosol particles.
Meanwhile studies are being done by scientists who report:
Why do so many scientists believe in man-made global warming? 
Many do not. But many do because they know that the world’s shadow government is interfering with the atmosphere.
Instead of pointing the finger at who is really causing the damage to the environment, scientists simply observe and analyze results to evaluate the effects and become alarmists with climate models to keep their jobs.
The climate change propaganda is stated with such conviction by those in the know because they are aware of who really are the ones affecting the climate to create man-made climate change.
How can we be so sure?
DARPA had a weather control facility in Alaska that was designed to figure out how to control the weather.
Coincidentally, Alaska is not too far from China, where the Rothschilds control weather broadcasts. Evelyn is heavily invested in Chinaand India.
The globalists tell us what they are doing, as they project their inner consciousness upon us, and say that unless we all do what they want us to do, we will have to sufferand, of course, they are so concerned about the poor.
The nationalist movements around the world are not part of the globalists’ plan. The globalists want to cover every base for the day they plan to take over the world and set up their government in Israel.
The UN declaration stating that the Temple Mount in Israel is Islamic is a distraction for what the Shadow Government really has in mind. 
The connection between Evelyn Rothschild, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, and the Clintons tells us how close the international bankers are to the swamp that Donald Trump claims he is going to drain.
The last trump is about to sound and the Feast of Trumpets is the beginning of the end-time harvest.
Then I looked, and lo, a white cloud, and seated on the cloud one like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head, and a sharp sickle in his hand.  And another angel came out of the temple, calling with a loud voice to him who sat upon the cloud, “Put in your sickle, and reap, for the hour to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is fully ripe.” (Revelation 14-14-15)


by Erich J. Choron
from GreyFalcon Website


In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica called “Operation Highjump”, and at least one follow-up expedition.

That is fact. It is undeniable. But… the part of the story that is seldom told, at least in “official” circles, is that Byrd and his forces encountered heavy resistance to their Antarctic venture from “flying saucers” and had to call off the invasion.

This aspect of the story was pushed forward, again, a few years ago, when a retired Rear Admiral, allegedly living in Texas, who had been involved in the “invasion”, said he was “shocked” when he read material from a documentary, entitled “Rire from the Sky”.

He allegedly claimed that he knew there had been “a lot of aircraft and rocket shoot-downs”, but did not realize the situation was as serious as the documentary presented it.

Operation “High Jump”, which was, basically an invasion of the Antarctic, consisted of three Naval battle groups, which departed Norfolk, VA, on 2 December 1946. They were led by Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s command ship, the ice-breaker “Northwind,” and consisted of the catapult ship “Pine Island,” the destroyer “Brownsen,” the aircraft-carrier “Phillipines Sea,” the U.S. submarine “Sennet,” two support vessels “Yankee” and “Merrick,” and two tankers “Canisted” and “Capacan,” the destroyer “Henderson” and a floatplane ship “Currituck.”

A British-Norwegian force and a Russian force, and I believe some Australian and Canadian forces were also involved.

Interestingly, the Pine Island (AV-12), one of the seaplane tenders involved in the expedition, has a rather colorful history. The USS Pine Island, a Currituck Class Seaplane Tender, was laid down, 16 November 1942, at Todd Shipyard Corporation, in San Pedro, California. It was launched, 26 February 1944, and given the commissioned name, USS Pine Island on 26 April 1945.

The ship served through the final months of the Second World War, and the immediate post-war period, but was decommissioned on 1 May 1950 When the Korean War broke out, the ship was re-commissioned, on 7 October 1950, at Alameda, California. She was finally decommissioned, for good, on 16 June 1967 and laid up in the Reserve Fleet.

But… here’s where the story gets interesting… The USS Pine Island was struck from the Naval Register, on an unknown date… Her title was transferred to the Maritime Administration for lay up in the National Defense Reserve Fleet… on an unknown date… and… the ship’s final disposition is unknown… Now… how does one go about “losing” a major surface ship, over 640 feet long, almost seventy feet wide, with a displacement of over 15,000 tons? [see Rejoinder below]



As a federal employee with immediate access to the NDRF (National Defense Reserve Fleet) archives, which are all unclassified, let me provide additional information as it relates to the subject story of 3/15.

Mr. Choron states:

“The USS Pine Island was struck from the Naval Register, on an unknown date… Her title was transferred to the Maritime Administration for lay up in the National Defense Reserve Fleet… on an unknown date… and… the ship’s final disposition is unknown… “

Here’s what I can tell you: PINE ISLAND was delivered to Zidell Explorations in Portland, OR (now Zidell Marine) on 3/7/72 under a standard scrapping contract. Zidell paid $166K for the ship, which would be typical. In 1971 PINE ISLAND was towed to Bremerton to be stripped out by the Navy, which is not uncommon for a ship to be scrapped. The fact that she (nor the other AVs) is not listed on the Naval Vessel Register is strange, but probably just an oversight on the Navy’s part (as is not uncommon). Should you E-mail the nice folks running the NVR today, they would probably thank you for pointing out the ommission and add the missing ships.

Now, all this is not a refutation of OPERATION HIGHJUMP; that will be left up to others.

The story, of course, gets stranger, still. The Pine Island is not the only ship involved in “Antarctic Research” or “exploration” to have disappeared. There were numerous others. The question is not so much “how many”, that is fairly well established.

The question is “how and why”… particularly “why”…

On 5 March, 1947 the “El Mercurio” newspaper of Santiago, Chile, had a headline article “On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas” which quoted Byrd in an interview with Lee van Atta:

“Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Furthermore, Byrd stated that he “didn’t want to frighten anyone unduly” but that it was “a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds”.

Interestingly, not long before he made these comments, the Admiral had recommended defense bases AT the North Pole.


These were not “isolated” remarks… Admiral Byrd later repeated the each of these points of view, resulting from he described as his “personal knowledge” gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service.


He was hospitalized and was not allowed to hold any more press conferences. Still, in March 1955, he was placed in charge of Operation Deepfreeze which was part of the International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958, exploration of the Antarctic. He died, shortly thereafter… in 1957… many have suggested he was murdered…

So… who was the enemy that owned or flew these flying objects? Germany was apparently defeated, and there was no evidence that the new emerging enemy, Russia, certainly had such superior technologies. They were, like the United States, only on the verge of the “rocket age”, and totally dependent upon technology, and expertise captured from Germany at the end of the War. There was no other known threat could that could account for the United States’ invasion of Antarctica nor for the development of any craft that could fly “fly from Pole to pole with incredible speeds.”


Of course, the Roswell Incident had been in the news the past summer, but… it had been “officially” explained, and hushed up by the time Highjump began.


Rumors began to circulate that even though Germany had been defeated, a selection of military personnel and scientists had fled the fatherland as Allied troops swept across mainland Europe and established themselves at a base on Antarctica from where they continued to develop advanced aircraft based on extraterrestrial technologies.


It is interesting to note that at the end of the war the Allies determined that there were 250,000 Germans unaccounted for, even taking into account casualties and deaths. This would be quite a population base for a fledgling colony, and provide the essential degree of skill, expertise, and pure manpower for an industrial base of any sort, let alone the production of, even by today’s standards, extremely high technology.

All Unidentified Flying Object researchers are, of course, aware of the multitude of reports concerning sightings of ‘flying saucers’ with swastikas or iron crosses on them, ‘aliens’ speaking German, etc. Most have also heard of abductees who have been taken to underground bases with swastika emblems on the walls, or as in the case of noted abductee Alex Christopher, have seen “Reptiloids” and “Nazis” working together aboard antigravity craft or within underground bases.


Barney Hill was apparently, not the only one to describe the so-called “Nazi” connection to Unidentified Flying Object abductions. However, reports such as Christopher’s and Hill’s must be taken with a rather large grain of salt… There is a far more plausible explanation than the so-called “reptiloids”.

Another noted example is the American Reinhold Schmidt, a man whose father was born in Germany, and who tells in his book “Incident At Kearney”, that he was taken on a ‘flying saucer’ on several occasions. Schmidt states that “the crew spoke German and acted like German soldiers”. He also stated that they took him to the “Polar” region.

Now, one must admit that if a person were making up such a story, why would they claim to be taken, of all places, to the pole? Of course, one must also realize that at the time of Schmidt’s comments, the rumors of “secret Nazi bases” at the poles were already fairly common… After returning he was allegedly subjected to persecution by the U.S. Government. In his defense, it must be noted that his description of the aerial discs, as he called them, matched pictures captured from the Germans in the final days of the Second World War.

In 1959, three large newspapers in Chile reported front-page articles about Unidentified Flying Object encounters in which the crew members appeared to be German soldiers. In the early 1960s there were reports in New York, and New Jersey, of flying saucer ‘aliens’ who spoke German, or English with a German accent. Nor, can it be neglected to mention that in one of the most spectacular legal cases of the Twentieth Century… the “atomic espionage” trials… Julius and Ethel Rosenberg spoke of “warships of space.”


Since they had access to top secret information, and, at that point, no reason to lie, what was it, exactly, that they meant?

So… now we get to the point…


In late 1947, only months after the famous Roswell Incident, then Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal sent a naval task force to Antarctic including Admiral Nimitz, Admiral Krusen and Admiral Byrd, called “Operation Highjump”. It was touted to be an expedition to find “coal deposits” and other valuable resources, but… the facts indicate otherwise… In actuality they were apparently trying to locate an immense underground base constructed by the Germans, before, during and immediately after the Second World War, with the aid of Alien Entities, which were described as “Aryans”.


This base was allegedly located in Neuschwabenland, an area of Antarctica which Germany explored, and claimed, before the outbreak of the Second World War… In fact, Germany had done a very detailed study of Antarctic and were alleged to have built a small underground base there before the War.

At this point, one must ask why, exactly, the United States, and, in fact, her allies, suspected that German activity at the pole was continuing, after the conclusion of the Second World War… The answer, quite honestly, has nothing at all to do with Unidentified Flying Objects… That part of the story came to light from a completely different set of sources…


The fact is that there was plenty of evidence, at the time, to indicate that as late as 1947, elements of the Kriegsmarine, or German Navy, were still very much active in the South Atlantic, operating either out of South America, or some base, previously unsuspected, in the Antarctic. Many stories were circulating at the time…


One of which even has a German U-boat stopping an Icelandic whaler named Juliana in Antarctic waters, in 1947 and insisting that its captain, named Hekla, sell the U-boat crew supplies from her available stores. In exchange for the supplies (which had been paid for in U.S. dollars, along with a ten dollar bonus to each member of Juliana’s crew… ) the U-boat commander told the whaler where a large school of whales were to be found. Hekla and his crew later found the whales in the exact position claimed by the U-boat commander.

The presence of such boats, all late construction Type XXI and Type XXIII U-Boats, with the “snorkel” that allowed them to make the entire passage from Germany submerged… was no secret.


Many were thought to be operating out of Argentina, possibly under the Argentine flag, but crewed by German crew.


The fact that in the dying moments of the Second World War, ten U-Boats, based in Oslofjord, Hamburg and Flensburg, were made available to transport several hundred German officers and officials to Argentina to found a new Reich is widely accepted. These officers, mostly involved in “secret” projects, and many of whom were members of the SS and Kriegsmarine, itself, sought to escape the “vengeance” of the Allies, and continue their work, abroad.


The U-boats were filled with their luggage, documents and, more than likely, gold bullion, to finance their efforts. All the U-boats departed their home ports between 3 and 8 May 1945. They were to proceed to Argentina where they would be welcomed by the friendly regime of Juan Peron and his charismatic wife Eva Peron. Seven of the ten of the U-Boats, based on the German/Danish border, set off for Argentina through the Kattegat and Skagerrak. None were ever seen again… “officially”.


It has been, however, documented that three of the boats did, in fact, arrive in Argentina… These were U-530, U-977 and U-1238. U-530 and U-977 surrendered to the Argentine Navy at Mar del Plata in early July and August, 1945… U-1238 was scuttled, by her crew, in the waters of San Matias Gulf, off Northern Patagonia.


Seven boats are as yet unaccounted for… and… Kriegsmarine archives, recently discovered, indicate that a total of more than forty boats are completely unaccounted for… all of which were late construction, state-of-the-art craft, and could have made either Argentina or Antarctica, completely submerged… and completely unnoticed by existing “allied” technology of the time… for the entire duration of their crossing.

The question arises, of course, why these men would make such a perilous crossing. It must surely be seen as a act of either desperation or fanaticism, or both… and such men as crewed U-Boats were neither. Nor, were the scientists and military officers who were their passengers. The fact is, it would seem that most of those who fled the ruin of Germany to the far South, were scientists and engineers, and their dedication sprang from the project on which they were working…


To understand this dedication, it is necessary to go back, before the outbreak of the Second World War, to an isolated section of the Bavarian Alps, It was there, in the summer of 1938, that an Unidentified Flying Object, crewed by a distinctly human, and Aryan appearing race, made a forced landing, very similar to the one which was to occur, some ten years later, in the desert, near Roswell, New Mexico, in the United States.

While the occupants of the two craft were completely unrelated, the technology involved, seems to have been strikingly similar. Also, the outcome of the recovery effort, undertaken by Germany, just as a similar recovery effort was undertaken by the United States, had strikingly different results.

The Bavarian crash of 1938, seems to have yielded an functioning, or almost functioning and repairable (with the technology of the time) power plant, and a nearly completely destroyed, or unrepairable airframe. The Roswell crash resulted in exactly the opposite… a nearly intact airframe and a ruined power plant. Because of this, the German research, which was to follow, took a vastly different turn from that which was undertaken in the United States, some ten years later… Germany needed an airframe which was capable of supporting the “engine” (for lack of a better term), while the United States would eventually need an “engine” capable of giving maximum performance to the airframe.

This, of course, would explain the vast array of “experimental” aircraft… of extremely “unique” design… to literally pour out of the design bureaus of Messerschmidt, Focke Wulf, Fokker and a multitude of smaller firms in the period between 1939 and 1945. The most notable, of course, is the Sänger “Flying Wing” which was later copied by the United States, and is, of course, the ancestor of today’s “stealth” bomber and fighter designs… notably, the B-2 Heavy Bomber.

It is also beyond doubt that both Unidentified Flying Object recoveries are the initial impetus for the long standing and ongoing research in “anti-gravity” propulsion seen in work of current aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing and Lockheed in the United States, and PanAvia in Europe.

In any case, it was the work on “reverse engineering” the downed Bavarian Unidentified Flying Object that was the catalyst for the “exodus” to the South in the final days of the Second World War. Germany was in ruins, and the research was viewed, by those conducting it, as vital… vital enough to risk packing up all that they had and risking a perilous submerged crossing of the Atlantic.. to an isolated experimental and research base on a frozen continent…


Granted, by modern standards… even by the standards of the day… U-Boats were small and cramped. They had very little cargo capacity. Still, a tiny fleet of them… ten to twelve boats… could easily transport the essential equipment, making several “runs”, and serve to supply and, later re-supply the Antarctic bastion of the research.

Speculation exists, with much to support it, that at least one of the boats in the valiant little fleet contained the biggest prize of all… at least one living survivor of the 1938 crash… an Extraterrestrial… a literal Human Being… not a “Grey”… born on a distant planet. The best evidence indicates that there were several survivors of the crash, and that they worked, and are most likely still working, with the original German scientists and engineers, or their descendants, in an effort to construct a viable “flying disc”.

These are not the “Grey Aliens” of Roswell. These beings, biologically, completely human, are described as “Aryan” in appearance, and completely human, although at least two to three generations more advanced, technologically than Earth born Human Beings. While their technology is similar to that of the Grays in general theory, it is somewhat different, apparently, in application.


This would tend to indicate that Earth technology and science is, at most, only one “major breakthrough” away from parity with the extraterrestrial cultures in question, and also explain the “urgency” of the project, as viewed by the German (and undoubtedly United States, as well…) scientists and engineers involved in such research.

In any case, Operation Highjump, began… The task force of over 40 ships, included the flagship “Mount Olympus”, the aircraft carrier “Philippine Sea”, the seaplane tender “Pine Sea”, the submarine “Senate”, the destroyer “Bronson”, the ice breaker “Northwind”, and other tanker and supply ships. An armed contingent of 1400 sailors, and three dog sled teams were also on board.


The expedition was filmed by the Navy and brought to Hollywood to be made into a commercial film called “The Secret Land”.


It was narrated by Hollywood actor Robert Montgomery, father of “Bewitched” star, Elizabeth Montgomery, who was, himself, an officer in the Naval Reserve.

It seems incredible that so shortly after a war that had decimated most of Europe and crippled global economies, an expedition to Antarctica was undertaken with so much haste (it took advantage of the first available Antarctic summer after the war), at such cost, and with so much military hardware – unless the operation was absolutely essential to the security of the United States.

At the time of the operation, the US Navy itself was being taken apart piece by piece as the battle-tested fleet was decommissioned with its mostly civilian crew bidding farewell to the seas forever. The Navy was even reduced to further recruitment to man the few remaining ships in service.

Tensions across the globe were also mounting as Russia and America edged into a Cold War, possibly a Third World War that the US would have to fight with “tragically few ships and tragically half trained men.” This made the sending of nearly 5,000 residual Navy personnel to a remote part of the planet where so much danger lurked in the form of icebergs, blizzards and sub-zero temperatures even more of a puzzle. The operation was also launched with incredible speed, “a matter of weeks.”


Perhaps it would not be uncharitable to conclude that the Americans had some unfinished business connected with the war in the polar region. Indeed this was later confirmed by other events and the operation’s leader, Admiral Richard Byrd, himself.

The official instructions issued by the then Chief of Naval Operations, Chester W. Nimitz were:

  1. to train personnel and test material in the frigid zones
  2. to consolidate and extend American sovereignty over the largest practical area of the Antarctic continent
  3. to determine the feasibility of establishing and maintaining bases in the Antarctic and to investigate possible base sites
  4. to develop techniques for establishing and maintaining air bases on the ice, (with particular attention to the later applicability of such techniques to Greenland)
  5. to amplify existing knowledge of hydro graphic, geographic, geological, meteorological and electromagnetic conditions in the area

Little other information was released to the media about the mission, although most journalists were suspicious of its true purpose given the huge amount of military hardware involved.


The US Navy also strongly emphasized that Operation Highjump was going to be a navy show; Admiral Ramsey’s preliminary orders of 26th August 1946 stated that “the Chief of Naval Operations only will deal with other governmental agencies” and that “no diplomatic negotiations are required. No foreign observers will be accepted.” Not exactly an invitation to scrutiny, even from other arms of the government.

Some facts, however, are well known… There were three divisions of Operation High Jump: one land group with tractors, explosives, and plenty of equipment to refurbish “Little America”, and make an airstrip to land the six R-4D’s (DC-3’s), and two seaplane groups. The R4-D’s were fitted with jet-assist takeoff bottles (JATO) in order to takeoff from the short runway of the aircraft carrier “Philippine Sea”.


They also were fitted with large skis for landing on the ice field prepared for them. The skis were specially fitted at three inches above the surface of the carrier deck. When landing on the ice at “Little America” the three inches of tire in contact with the snow and ice provided just enough and not too much drag for a smooth landing.

Following its arrival at Antarctica, the force began a reconnaissance of the continent. Byrd himself was onboard the first of the planes to take off on 29 January 1947.


Rocket propulsion tubes (JATO bottles) had been attached to the side of the aircraft and the carrier was maneuvered for a 35mph run to help get the planes airborne.

 “From the vibration of the great carrier”, Byrd later wrote, “I knew when the captain had got the ship up to about 30 knots (35 mph… maximum, full emergency speed for such a vessel).


We seemed to creep along the deck at first and it looked as if we would never make it but when our four JATO bottles went off along the sides of the plane with a terrific, deafening noise I could see the deck fall away. I knew we had made it.”

Admiral Byrd’s team of six R4-D’s were fitted with the, then, super secret “Trimetricon” spy cameras and each plane was trailing a magnetometer.


The aircraft flew over as much of the continent as they could in the short three month “summer” period, mapping and recording magnetic data. They also carried magnetometers show anomalies in the Earth’s magnetism, i.e. if there is a “hollow” place under the surface ice or ground, it will show up on the meter. On the last of many “mapping” flights where all six planes went out, each on certain pre-ordained paths to film and “measure” with magnetometers, Admiral Byrd’s plane returned three hours late…

“Officially”, it was stated that he had “lost an engine” and had had to throw everything overboard except the films themselves and the results of magnetometer readings in order to maintain altitude long enough to return to Little America. If we are to believe the published and private accounts of what actually took place, this is almost certainly the time when he met with representatives of the “Aryan” Extraterrestrials, and a contingent of the German scientists working on the reverse engineering and construction of “flying discs”…

Over the next four weeks the planes spent 220 hours in the air, flying a total of 22,700 miles and taking some 70,000 aerial photographs. Then the mission that had been expected to last for between six to eight months came to an early and faltering end. The Chilean press reported that the mission had “run into trouble” and that there had been “many fatalities”.


(However… the official record, states that one plane crashed killing three men; a fourth man had perished on the ice; two helicopters had gone down although their crews had been rescued and a task force commander was nearly lost.)


It is an indisputable fact that the Central Group of Operation Highjump were evacuated by the Burton Island ice-breaker from the Bay of Whales on 22 February 1947; the Western Group headed home on 1st of March 1947 and the Eastern Group did likewise on 4 March, a mere eight weeks after arrival.

In the end, the task force came steaming back to the United Sates with their data, which then, immediately became classified “top secret”. Secretary of the Navy (by this time, Secretary of Defense) James Forrestal retired… and started to “talk”…. not only about Highjump, but about other things, as well… He was put in Bethesda Naval Hospital psychiatric ward where he was prevented from seeing or talking to anyone, including his wife… and… after a short while he was thrown out the window while trying to hang himself with a bed sheet.


So the story goes… It was, of course, ruled a suicide, case closed. However, some of what he knew… about Highjump… about Roswell… and other things… did manage to “leak”… How much is truth, how much is speculation is difficult to tell. However, in every “myth” there is a grain of truth…

This much is certain… As incredible as it may sound, there is considerable supporting evidence for these claims about a German base in Antarctica… On the very eve of the Second World War, the Germans themselves had invaded part of Antarctica and claimed it for the Third Reich.

In fact Hitler had authorized several expeditions to the poles shortly before WWII. Their stated objective was to either to rebuild and enlarge Germany’s whaling fleet or test out weaponry in severely hostile conditions. Yet, if true, all of this could have been achieved at the North Pole rather than at both poles and been much closer to home.


For some reason, however, the Germans had long held an interest in the South Polar region of Antarctica with the first Germanic research of that area being undertaken in 1873 when Sir Eduard Dallman (1830-1896) discovered new Antarctic routes and the “Kaiser-Wilhelm-Inseln” at the western entrance of the Biskmarkstrasse along the Biscoue Islands with his ship Grönland during his expedition for the German polar Navigation Company of Hamburg. The Grönland also achieved the distinction of being the first steamer to operate in the southern ocean.

A further expedition took place in the early years of the twentieth century in the ship the Gauss (which became embedded in the ice for 12 months), and then a further expedition took place in 1911 under the command of Wilhelm Filchner with his ship the Deutschland.

Between the wars, the Germans made a further voyage in 1925 with a specially designed ship for the Polar Regions, the Meteor under the command of Dr. Albert Merz.

Then, in the years directly preceding the Second World War, the Germans laid claim to parts of Antarctica in order to set up a permanent base there. Given that no country actually owned the continent and it could not exactly be conquered as no-one lived there during the winter months at least, it appeared to the Germans that the most effective way to conquer part of the continent was to physically travel there, claim it, let others know of their actions and await any disagreements.

Captain Alfred Ritscher was chosen to lead the proposed strike. He had already led expeditions to the North Pole and had proved himself in adverse and critical situations. For the mission Ritscher was given the Schwabenland; a German aircraft carrier that had been used for transatlantic mail deliveries by special flightboats, the famous 10 ton Dornier Super Wals since 1934.

These Wals were launched by catapult from the Schwabenland and had to be accelerated to 93mph before they could become airborne. At the end of each flight a crane on the ship lifted the aircraft back on board after they landed in the sea.

The ship was refitted for the expedition in the shipyards of Hamburg, and around one million Reichsmark, nearly a third of the entire expedition budget – was spent on this refit alone.

The crew was prepared for the mission by the German Society of Polar Research and as these preparations neared completion, the organization invited Admiral Byrd to address them, which he did.

The Schwabenland left the port of Hamburg on 17 December 1938 and followed a precisely planned and determined route towards the southern continent. In little over a month the ship arrived at the ice covered Antarctica, dropping anchor at 4B0 30B” W and 69B0 14B” S on January 201939..

The expedition then spent three weeks off Princess Astrid Coast and Princess Martha Coast off Queen Maud Land. During these weeks, the two Schwabenland aircraft, the Passat and Boreas, flew 15 missions across some 600,000 square kilometers of Antarctica, taking more than 11,000 pictures of the area with their specially designedZeiss Reihenmess-Bildkameras RMK 38b.

Nearly one fifth of Antarctica was reconnoitered in this way and, for the first time, ice-free areas with lakes and signs of vegetation were discovered. This area was then declared to be under the control of the German expedition, renamed Neu-Schwabenland and hundreds of small stakes, carrying the swastika, were dumped on the snow-covered ground from the Wals to signal the new ownership. Ritscher and the Schwabenland left their newly claimed territory in the middle of February 1939 and returned to Hamburg two months later, complete with photographs and maps of the new German acquisition.

Now bear in mind that all of this took place before the recovery of the Unidentified Flying Object, in the Bavarian Alps, in 1938… There is no conceivable reason, at least on the surface, for such an intense interest in the South Polar regions… unless something else had already transpired to make such an investigation worthwhile… The true purpose of this expedition has never been satisfactorily explained; there is merely a series of puzzles, related reports and snippets of information that are no longer open to verification. What is not open to doubt however, is that in the decade preceding the Second World War, the Germans did almost nothing that did not put the entire structure of the country on a war footing.

This activity affected all aspects of German life; military, civilian, economic, social and foreign policies, engineering, industry etc. Given that the seizing of Neu-Schwabenland occurred on the very eve of the war, it can only be concluded that that the polar expedition was of major importance and significance to the goals and development of the German nation.

Nor did activity end with the outbreak of the war… In fact, it intensified… The South Atlantic, including South Polar waters became quite active…

Between 1939 and 1941, well after the outbreak of war in Europe, Captain Bernhard Rogge of the commerce raider Atlantis made an extended voyage in the South Atlantic, Indian and South Pacific Oceans, and visited the Iles Kerguelen between December 1940 to January 1941.

The Atlantis is known to have been visited by an RFZ-2 (the UFO style craft which had served as a reconnaissance aircraft since late 1940.) The ship then adopted a new disguise as Tamesis before being sunk by HMS Devonshire near Ascension Island, on 22 November 1941 (the Atlantis was also known as Hilfskreuzer 16 and was, at various times, disguised as Kasii-Maru or Abbekerk.)

Although the activities of the German ship Erlangen, under the captaincy of Alfred Grams, do not appear to be of consequence during 1939-40, the same cannot be said of the Komet which was commanded by Captain Robert Eyssen.


Following her passage along the Northern Sea Route in 1940, this commerce raider operated in the Pacific and Indian oceans, including a voyage along the Antarctic coastline from Cape Adare to the Shackleton Ice Shelf in search of whaling vessels during February 1941. There she met the Pinguin and supply vessels Alstertor andAdjutant. (Komet was sunk off Cherbourg in 1942.)

The Pinguin itself under the command of Captain Ernst-Felix Kruder was a commerce raider that operated chiefly in the Indian Ocean. In January 1941 she captured a Norwegian whaling fleet (factory ships Ole Wegger and Pelagos, supply ship Solglimt and eleven whale catchers) in about 59B0 S, 02B0 30W. One of these catchers (renamed Adjutant) remained as a tender and the rest were sent to France. This ship also made anchorages at the Iles Kerguelen and may have landed a party on Marion Island.


Pinguin was sunk off the Persian Gulf by HMS Cornwall on 8 May 1941 after she had captured 136,550 tons of British and allied shipping.


The Kerguelen Archipelago – ideal for secret supply bases

This island of Kerguelen (named the Most Useless Island In the World in 1995) continued to feature prominently in Nazi plans.


For example, in 1942 the German Navy planned to establish a meteorological station there. In May of that year the ship Michel transferred a meteorologist and two radio operators with full equipment to a supply vessel Charlotte Schlieman that went on to the island, however the orders for the station were later counter-manned. It is interesting to note that Kerguelen Island was also the centre of a mid 19th Century mystery.


Then entirely uninhabited, except for seals and seabirds, British Captain Sir James Clark Ross landed there in May 1840. He found in the snow unidentifiable “traces of the singular footprints of a pony, or ass, being 3 inches in length and 2 inches in breadth, having a small deeper depression in either side, and shaped like a horseshoe.” Similar markings appeared overnight in the Devon area of England fifteen years later and have also defied adequate explanation.

Then in 1942 Captain Gerlach in his ship the Stier investigated nearby Gough Island as a possible temporary base for raiders and a camp for prisoners.

This ship activity does not appear considerable, however the level of U-boat activity in the South Atlantic was much higher. The exact nature and extent of how high will probably never be known, however some insight might be gleaned from the fact that between October 1942 and September 1944 16 German U-boats were sunk in the South Atlantic area. And… some of these submarines did appear to be engaged in covert activities.

A fine example of this would be that of U-859 which, on 4 April 1944 at 04.40hrs, left on a mission carrying 67 men and 33 tons of mercury sealed in glass bottles in watertight tin crates. The submarine was later sunk on 23 September by a British submarine (HMS Trenchant) in the Straits of Malacca and although 47 of the crew died, 20 survived.


Some 30 years later one of these survivors spoke openly about the cargo and divers later confirmed the story on rediscovering the mercury. The significance being that mercury is usable as a fuel source for certain types of aerospace propulsion. Why would a German submarine be transporting such a cargo so far from home?


It is not odd, at all, if one considers the fact that aviation/avionics construction is what the Polar Base seems to be all about…

Although Germany surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, on 8 May 1945, events after that date suggested something was happening that did not form a part of recognized world history. Something fuelled by a statement made by German Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz


Dönitz (16 September 1891 b 24 December 1980) had become Commander of the German Kriegsmarine (Navy), on 31 January 1943 and he led the German U-Boat fleet until the end of the Second World War. He also has the distinction of briefly becoming head of the German state for 20 days after Hitler’s death until his own capture by the Allies on 23 May 1945. His contribution to the mystery of post-war Antarctic activity came in a statement he made in 1943 when he declared that a substantial portion of the German submarine fleet had rebuilt “in another part of the world a Shangri-La land… an impregnable fortress.”


Could he have been referring to the alleged base in Antarctica?

Certainly there are records of continued German naval activity in the area after the war had apparently ended. For example, on 10 July 1945, more than two months after the cessation of known hostilities, the German submarine U-530 surrendered to Argentine authorities. The background to this event is puzzling. It is known that the boat had left Lorient in France on 22nd May 1944 under the captaincy of Otto Wermuth for operations in the Trinidad area, and after successfully rendezvousing with the incoming Japanese submarine I-52, it headed for Trinidad before finally returning to base after 133 days at sea.

The boat’s official record states that between October 1944 and May 1945 it formed part of the 33rd Flotilla and on Germany’s surrender Otto Wermuth’s captaincy and the submarine’s career came to an end. Yet two months later it arrived in Rio de la Plata in Argentina and surrendered to the authorities there on 10 July 1945.

The future may well reveal that fate of more of these submarines; however given the French and South American reports, and the number of missing U-boats, it may not be unreasonable to conclude that at least some of them relocated to the South Polar area.

History also gives us further clues as to a German-Antarctica connection, for it records that Hans-Ulrich Rudel of the German Luftwaffe was being groomed by Hitler to be his successor. It is known that Rudel made frequent trips to Tierra del Fuego at the tip of South America nearest Antarctica. And…one of Martin Bormann’s last messages from the bunker in Berlin to Dönitz also mentioned Tierra del Fuego.

Then there are also claims about Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s best friend who went to England and was arrested as a war criminal on 10 May 1941. Following his arrest, Hess was held in Spandau Prison in isolation until his death. Such unique treatment is suggestive that he had information that the Allies considered dangerous.


Indeed, in his book Secret Nazi Polar Expeditions Christof Friedrich states Hess,

“was entrusted with the all-important Antarctic file. Hess, himself, kept the Polar file.”

Now, granted, such information as Hess possessed, if any, would have been complete only to the time that he took off on his solo flight to England… but… that period… prior to 1941… would have covered the initial recovery of the Bavarian “flying disc”, and at the very least, the early stages of any project or projects arising from such a recovery. It would also contain any information with regard to any survivors of the crash, and their eventual fate(s).


Many believe that Hess, who had no part in any of the so-called “war crimes” was deliberately kept in Spandau Prison, for life, in an attempt to keep him quiet. It has also been speculated that the man who died, in Spandau Prison, was, in fact, not Hess at all… that Hess had been murdered, years before, in an effort to keep the truth… on several highly embarrassing matters… from getting out.

For the moment, however, let’s return to Operation Highjump… which seems to have been an attempt to ferret out a remaining German base on the Antarctic continent, and perhaps, to determine where, exactly the sudden rash of Unidentified Flying Object activity of the past eighteen months, had originated, and, exactly who/what was behind it… There would have, of necessity, been two prerequisites for a mission of this type.


Firstly, Operation Highjump would have to provide evidence that the mission included a reconnaissance of Neu-Swabenland and secondly, there would have to be an area of the frozen continent that could allow such a base to exist throughout the year.

Both of these criteria were met…

Both the Eastern and Western Groups of Operation Highjump had been active around Neu-Schwabenland. So was a Russian boat that “proved to be unfriendly”. The Eastern group were frustrated in their efforts to make a reconnaissance of the area, despite incredible efforts to secure photographs for later examination.


However by then,

“it was very late in the season … The sun had only been briefly glimpsed in the past few weeks, but everyone could tell that the continually grey skies and clouds were darkening daily. In another month all light would be gone from Antarctica. The waters girdling the continent would begin to freeze rapidly, binding unwary ships in a crushing embrace.


Dufek [the commander] was loath to surrender. He ordered his ships northwards away from the pack. Perhaps one or two more flights might be possible. But on the morning of 3 March virgin ice was seen to be forming on the water’s surface [and the] Eastern group steamed out of Antarctica.”

The Western Group, however, were to make a remarkable discovery.


At the end of January 1947 a PBM piloted by Lieutenant Commander David Bunger of Coronado, California, flew from his ship, the Currituck and headed towards the continent’s Queen Mary Coast.


On reaching land, Bunger flew west for a time, then, coming up over the featureless, white horizon, he saw a dark, bare area which Byrd later described as,

“a land of blue and green lakes and brown hills in an otherwise limitless expanse of ice”.

Bunger and his men carefully reconnoitered the area before racing back to the Currituck with news of their find. The oasis they had discovered covered an area of some three hundred square miles of the continent and contained three large, open water lakes along with a number of smaller lakes. These lakes were separated by masses of barren, reddish-brown rocks possibly indicating the presence of iron ore.

Several days later, Bunger returned to the area, and found that the water was warm to the touch and the lake itself was filled with red, blue and green algae giving it a distinctive color. Bunger filled a bottle with the water which later “turned out to be brackish, a clue to the fact that the lake was actually an arm of the open sea”.

This is important for two reasons; warm, inland lakes connected to the surrounding oceans would be perfect for submarines to hide within, and similar lakes have been noted in Neu-Schwabenland, the site of the alleged German (and suspected Alien) base.

While there is, still, no conclusive evidence of a German/Alien base on Antarctica, It is beyond doubt that something highly unusual was happening on, or around, the frozen continent. In general, it appears that the probability for such a base to have existed… and perhaps continue to exist, to this day, are rather high…


The evidence, a large volume of it, is there for all to see…

  1. The Germans explored and claimed part of Antarctica on the very eve of the war when the vast majority of their activity was geared towards the rebuilding of the German economy and military infrastructure. This activity began shortly before the recovery of the Bavarian “flying disc”, in 1938, but picked up pace immediately afterward.
  2. There was ongoing ship and submarine activity in the South Atlantic and polar regions throughout and after the war had apparently ended. This activity continued well into the 1950s, and if some accounts are to be believed, continues to this day, with what can only be considered U-Boat sightings, and a very high incidence of Unidentified Flying Object sightings in the South Atlantic and South Polar regions, including the Southern portions of South America.
  3. The US literally invaded the continent of Antarctica, itself, with considerable naval resources leaving mainland America exposed and vulnerable as the world edged into the Cold War. The task force limped home as if defeated only weeks later, and the local South American press wrote of such a defeat. This coincided with a substantial increase in Unidentified Flying Object activity… generally attributed to the first major “wave” of such activity in modern times, with an inordinate amount of this activity taking place in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly in South America.
  4. Admiral Byrd spoke of objects that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds being based on Antarctica.
  5. Hundreds of thousands of Germans and a minimum of forty (40) U-boats were missing at the end of the war. Documentation and eyewitness accounts prove that at least a portion of these craft made it as far as South America, in some cases, several months after the end of the war in Europe.

The connection between Antarctica and the UFO phenomenon was sealed with claims made by one Albert K. Bender who stated that he “went into the fantastic and came up with an answer and I know what the saucers are.”

Bender ran an organization called the International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB) a small UFO organization based in Connecticut, USA and he also edited a publication known as the Space Review which was committed to the dissemination of news about UFOs. In truth, the organization had only a small membership and the publication circulated amongst hundreds rather than thousands, but that its members and readers valued it was in little doubt. The publication itself advocated that flying saucers were spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin.

However… in the October 1953 edition of Space Review, there were two major announcements.


The first was headed Late Bulletin and stated:

A source which the IFSB considers very reliable has informed us that the investigation of the flying saucer mystery and the solution is approaching final stages. This same source to whom we had referred data, which had come into our possession, suggested that it was not the proper method and time to publish the data in ‘Space Review’.

The second announcement read “Statement of Importance”:

The mystery of the flying saucers is no longer a mystery. The source is already known, but any information about this is being withheld by order from a higher source. We would like to print the full story in Space Review, but because of the nature of the information we are very sorry that we have been advised in the negative.

The statement ended in the sentence :

We advise those engaged in saucer work to please be very cautious.

These announcements were of little significance in and of themselves.


Bender’s publication was considered “fringe”, at best, even at the time… However… what gained them wider attention was the fact that immediately after publishing this October 1953 issue, Bender suspended further publication of the magazine and closed the IFSB down without any further explanation.


This is completely consistent with the “prudent” approach, shown by many who have been “gently” warned to “cease operations” by the Majestic 12 Group and other agencies involved in “keeping a lid” on any real investigation into the Unidentified Flying Object phenomenon.

Bender might very well have known “what the flying saucers” were, at least a portion of them… but he later revealed in a local newspaper interview that he was keeping his knowledge a secret following a visit by three men who apparently confirmed he was right about his Unidentified Flying Object theory, but put him in sufficient fear to immediately close down his organization and cease publication of the journal.

It has been argued that the story of being visited by three strangers and being warned off was a front to close a publication that was losing money, however the fact that Bender had been “scared to death” and “actually couldn’t eat for a couple of days” was verified by his friends and associates. It is also widely known that such “stories” are often spread by the United States, and other governments to discredit those who might just have the truth, or at least a portion of it.

In 1963, a full decade after his visit from the three strangers, Bender was seemingly prepared to reveal more of his story in a largely unreadable book entitled Flying Saucers and the Three Men in Black. The book was scant on facts, however, it described extraterrestrial spacecraft that had bases in Antarctica.

This was apparently the truth Bender was terrorized into not revealing.


Bender also provided images of the saucers he was aware of. He produced drawings of Unidentified Flying Objects that he was aware of… not saucers, as were the common depictions of the time, but rather “flying wings” which showed three bubble-like protrusions on the underside, reminiscent of the German designed Haunebu II(which was allegedly only in the “design stage” at the end of the Second World War) alongside a cylindrical, cigar shaped object.

Ernst Zündel was NOT a ‘Paperclip Scientist’:

I realized that North Americans were not interested in being educated. They want to be entertained. The book was for fun. With a picture of the Führer on the cover and flying saucers coming out of Antarctica it was a chance to get on radio and TV talk shows. For about 15 minutes of an hour program I’d talk about that esoteric stuff.


Then I would start talking about all those Jewish scientists in concentration camps, working on these secret weapons. And that was my chance to talk about what I wanted to talk about.

Ernst Zündel, a German scientist turned author (known for his internet “ZGrams”) who had entered the US under Operation Paperclip, a United States Army/CIA program to bring German scientific talent into the United States in spite of any so-called “war crimes” which they were alleged to have committed… at the end of the war and who worked at Wright Field (later Wright Patterson AFB where the Roswell debris were eventually housed), also made claims about the nature of the activity in Antarctica.

In the 1970s Zündel’s book UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapons? made the claim that at least some Unidentified Flying Objects were German secret Weapons which were developed during the Second World War, and that some of them had been shipped out towards the end of the war and hidden at the poles.


Publication of the book coincided with a tidal wave of renewed interest in all things paranormal… coming on the heel of what was to be the last major Unidentified Flying Object “wave” of the Twentieth Century, and Zündel was a guest on to countless talk shows where he shared his views on spaceships, free energies, electromagnetism, emergent technologies and some of the positive contributions made by the Germans in these fields.

Zündel, who was one of the first of the “revisionist” historians of the Second World War, was actually only really interested in promoting his holocaust theory, described in his book Did Six Million Really Die? However, he found that his Unidentified Flying Object and Hollow Earth ideas proved a greater attraction to television producers. The idea seized hold of the popular imagination and took on a life of its own. Zündel’s publishing company, Samisdat, started to make a name for itself by issuing newsletters and books on the subject. An expedition to Antarctica itself was even proposed to seek out Hitler’s UFO bases there.

The fact is that such claims would have died out had they not been based on at least some real events…

Now, keep in mind that South America has always been a “hotbed” of Unidentified Flying Object activity. Many of the reports coming out of the area are unverified, and unverifiable… However, many have credence. The claims that something extremely unusual was taking place around the foreboding reaches of the frozen continent took a major leap forward in the 1960s when the Argentine Navy was charged with the official investigation into strange sightings in the sky.

A 1965 official report prepared by Captain Sanchez Moreno of the Naval Air Station Comandante Espora in Bahia Blanca stated that,

“Between 1950 and 1965, personnel of Argentina’s Navy alone made 22 sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects that were not airplanes, satellites, weather balloons or any type of known (aerial) vehicles. These 22 cases served as precedents for intensifying that investigation of the subject by the Navy.”

Following a series of sightings at Argentine and Chilean meteorological stations on Deception Island, Antarctica, in June and July 1965, Captain Engineer Omar Paganidisclosed at a press conference that,

“Unidentified Flying Objects do exist. Their presence in Argentine airspace is proven”.

The report went on to state, however,

“their nature and origin are unknown and no judgment is made about them”.

More details of these UFO sightings were given in a report in the Brazilian newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo in its 8th July 1965 edition.

“For the first time in history, an official communiqué has been published by a government about the flying saucers. It is a document from the Argentine Navy, based on the statements of a large number of Argentine, Chilean and British sailors stationed in the naval base in Antarctica.

The communiqué declared that the personnel of Deception Island (left) naval base saw, at nineteen hours forty minutes on 3 July, a flying object of lenticular shape, with a solid appearance and a coloring in which red and green prevailed and, for a few moments, yellow. The machine was flying in a zig-zag fashion, and in a generally western direction, but it changed course several times and changed speed, having an inclination of about forty-five degrees above the horizon. The craft also remained stationary for about twenty minutes at a height of approximately 5,000 meters, producing no sound.

The communiqué states moreover that the prevailing meteorological conditions when the phenomenon was observed can be considered excellent for the region in question and the time of year. The sky was clear and quite a lot of stars were visible. The Secretariat of the Argentine Navy also states in its communiqué that the occurrence was witnessed by scientists of the three naval bases and that the facts described by these people agree completely.”

Practically everyone in the “UFO Community” is aware that in March 1950 Commodore Augusto Vars Orrego of the Chilean Navy shot still pictures and 8mm movie footage of a very large cigar shaped flying object that hovered over and maneuvered about in the frigid skies above the Chilean Antarctic.


The photos and the report of Orrego’s sighting have, quite literally, been seen by millions over the half century since he saw, and photographed the objects. Orrego stated,

“during the bright Antarctic night, we saw flying saucers, one above the other, turning at tremendous speeds. We have photographs to prove what we saw .”

There have, of course, been numerous other Chilean sightings.

During January 1956 another major Unidentified Flying Object “event” was witnessed by a group of Chilean scientists who had been flown by helicopter to Robertson Island in the Wendell Sea to study geology, fauna and other features.


This experience was the subject of a later article entitled A Cigar-Shaped UFO over Antarctica.

“At the beginning of January 1956, during a period of stormy weather, the party suddenly became aware of something which, in other circumstances, could have been very grave for them. This was that their radio had mysteriously ceased to function. This was not too worrying a disaster in so much as it was firmly settled that the helicopter would return to take them off again on January 20.”

One of the scientists, a doctor, was in the habit of getting up in the night to observe anything of meteorological interest, but another of the group, a professor, did not like to be disturbed. However on the night of 8 January 1956, the Doctor decided to wake the professor.


He pointed upwards, almost overhead. Still in a bad temper due to being disturbed, the professor looked as directed, and beheld two,

“metallic, cigar-shaped objects in verticular positions, perfectly still and silent, and flashing vividly the reflected rays of the sun”.

Just after 7.00am, two other members of the party, an assistant and a medical orderly joined the two men.


The group watched the two craft.

“At about 9.00am object No. 1 (the nearest to the zenith) suddenly assumed a horizontal posture and shot away like a flash towards the west. It had now lost its metallic brightness and had taken on the whole gamut of visible colors of the spectrum, from infrared to ultra-violet.

The report of the sighting went on to say…

“Without slowing down it performed an incredible acute-angle change of direction, shot off across another section of the sky and then did another sharp turn as before. These vertiginous maneuvers, the zig-zagging, abrupt stopping, instantaneous accelerating, went on for some time right overhead, the object always following tangential trajectories in respect to the Earth and all in the most absolute silence”.

The demonstration lasted about five minutes.


Then, according to the witnesses, the object returned and took up position beside its companion in almost the same area of the sky as before.


Then, it was the turn of No. 2 to show its paces and do a convoluted, zigzagging dance across the sky. Shooting off towards the east, it performed a series of ten disjointed bursts of flight, broken by abrupt changes of direction, and marked by the pronounced color changes when accelerating or stopping. After about three minutes, object No. 2 was observed to resume its station near its companion, and return to its original solid and metallic appearance.

Due to the nature of their mission, the group had with them two Geiger-Miller counters of high sensitivity, one of the auditory and the other of the flash-type. When the two objects had finished their dance and reassumed their stations in the sky, someone discovered that the flash-type Geiger counter now showed that radioactivity around them had suddenly increased 40 times… far more than enough to kill any organism subjected long enough to it. The discovery greatly increased the anxiety felt by the four men.

Although they had no telescopic lens, they did have cameras with them, and managed to take numerous photographs of the objects, both in color and black and white. The report does not state what became of these photographs, but it is safe to assume that they are in the possession of the Chilean Government, and there is no reason to assume that they have not been shared with that of the United States, as well as others.

Of course… no names are given in this report, but… it has the ring of truth, and is consistent with any number of similar sightings… Would that we knew their names! It is one of the exasperating facts of Unidentified Flying Object research that so many of the South American and South Atlantic sightings are attributed to “anonymous sources” or the names of the witnesses involved, have been expunged from the “official” records.


So many of the witnesses being cited would be, with reference to their stated credentials, credible sources, but because of the practice of expunging names from records which might fall into “public hands” are practically impossible to trace. The absence of names… in many, if not most cases deliberately expunged from official reports… simply lends to an aura of “unbelievability”, even though it is a common practice, especially in most countries.

Yet another documented account of a UFO sighting over Antarctica is by Rubens Junqueira Villela, a meteorologist and the first Brazilian scientist to participate in an expedition to the South Polar region, and now, a veteran of eleven expeditions to Antarctica (two with the US Navy, eight with the Brazilian Antarctic Program and another on the sailing ship Rapa Nui).


While on board the US Navy icebreaker Glacier, which had set sail from New Zealand at the end of January 1961, Villela claims that he witnessed a UFO event in the skies over Antarctica which he immediately recorded in his diary, even including the emotions felt by all those involved. On 16 March 1961, after a fierce storm had forced the expedition to retreat to Admiralty Bay in the King George Isles, “a strange light suddenly crossed the sky, and everyone started to shout”.

Speculation went wild. Some thought the object to be an incoming missile. Others thought it to be a meteor.


The excitement was widespread and growing.

“Trying to describe the light which appeared over Almirantado Bay” he told interviewers, later, “wasn’t easy b& I wrote in my diary: Positively the colors, the configuration and contours of the object, as a bodied light, with geometric forms, did not seem to be from this world, and I did not know what could possibly reproduce it”.

The object, he went on to report, was “multi-colored”, and had a luminous, oval-shaped body. It left, behind it, a “long tube-like orange/red trail”.


Allegedly, it split into two pieces, as if it had exploded. Then, each part shone even more intensively, with white, blue and red colors projecting V shaped rays behind it. They quickly moved away and could be seen 200 meters above the ground b& According to the witnesses, the entire display was completely silent.

The US Navy officially registered the incident as “a meteor or some other natural luminous phenomenon” according to the report submitted by the Glacier’s captain, Captain Porter. However, this is a common practice, and has been, ever since the inception of the Unidentified Flying Object cover-up, under the auspices of the Majestic 12 group.


This policy of “official denial” and “logical explanation” no matter how far fetched, would seem, has been followed by all branches of the United States Government since the first days after the Roswell Incident, in July 1947. It certainly applies to any sightings or alleged sightings in and around Antarctica…

Villela, on the other hand, easily dismissed the official line.

“How could they mistake a meteor with an object carrying antennae, completely symmetrical and followed by a tail without any sight of atmospheric disturbance?”

According to most “official” sources… and certainly according to world renowned skeptic and self-styled debunker, Phillip Klaus, this particular episode is a classic example of plasma, however the late meteorologist, James McDonald argued that the highly structured nature of the object and the low cloud overcast present at about 1500 feet were not compatible with Klaus’s hypothesis.

The list of sightings in the South Atlantic area is practically endless. It is, and has been, particularly since the end of the Second World War, one of the most active areas on earth with respect to Unidentified Flying Object activity. Another classic sighting took place on 16 January 1958 when the Brazilian naval vessel Almirante Salddanha was escorting a team of scientists to a weather station on Trindade Island. As the ship approached the island (or rather an outcrop of rock) an Unidentified Flying Object reportedly flew low, over the water, past the ship, circled the island, then flew off in front of dozens of witnesses.

One of the witnesses to this particular event, the expedition photographer, took a number of photographs of the object. Later, the film was handed over to the military by the Captain. Amazingly, after the initial analysis, the Brazilian government released the film stating that they were unable to account for the images.

Why did the United States Government, in late 1947, only months after the famous Roswell Incident, send a naval task force to Antarctic including Admiral Nimitz, AdmiralKrusen and Admiral Byrd, called “Operation Highjump”. As we observed earlier, the operation was said to be an expedition to find “coal deposits” and other valuable resources, but… the facts indicate otherwise…


In actuality, there seems to be no doubt that they were trying to locate an immense underground base constructed by the Germans, before, during and immediately after the Second World War, with the aid of Alien Entities which were described as “Aryans”. This base, allegedly located in an area that the Germans called “Neuschwabenlandt”… an area of Antarctica which Germany explored, and claimed, before the outbreak of the Second World War… was thought to hold “flying objects which could fly from Pole to Pole in a matter of minutes”…

For years, rumors have circulated as to why German submarines… U-Boats… would operate in South American and Antarctic waters long after the end of the Second World War, in Europe.


Some have said that the boats spirited away such notables as Adolf Hitler and Martin Bormannn… both of whom can be demonstrated to have died in Berlin at the end of the war. the death… and physical remains of both men have been verified beyond doubt, the latter with very recent DNA testing. Thus neither of them escaped via U-boats to South America. The fact is, Wolfgang Eisenmenger, a forensic science professor at Munich University, conducted the DNA testing of Bormann’s remains. He seems to have done the work for the Frankfurt justice officials.


He also had Bormann’s dental, medical, and fingerprint records. Bormann’s children (or a distant family member, details a bit fuzzy) provided the blood for the DNA match which was proven conclusive, i.e. that the body was of Martin Bormann. The cause of death was deemed to be self inflicted poisoning. Adolf Hitler, of course, died in his Bunker in Berlin, of poison… and a self inflicted gunshot.

Everyone has heard stories of vast amounts of gold or other valuables being “smuggled” out of Germany in the last days of the war… secreted away to South America… to support so-called “criminals” abroad. So far, none of those stories has shown any sign of merit. If they were so, then men such as Eichman would not have worked on the assembly line in a Volkswagen plant. Müller would not have run a chicken farm, and Mengele would not have been dependent upon the generosity of his wealthy family.

There is a story floating around that this said U-boat commander worked on some highly classified US National Secrets after the war, and that his boat was operating in the far South… He was reported to have been a commander of a VIIC or IXC U-boat in the Atlantic during the war, named Otto Schneider. This theory is also easy to disprove…


There simply was no U-Boat commander by that name in the Kriegsmarine (German Navy). Only two commanders with that last name saw service in the war; Herbert Schneider who died while in command of U-522, and Manfred Schneider only commander the small XXIII boat U-4706 for the last 3 months of the war, and never left his home port. This story is just that, a story.

The fact is, Unidentified Flying Object researchers are well aware of strange sightings of ‘flying saucers’ with swastikas or iron crosses displayed on them.


They are also well aware of ‘aliens’ speaking German, and have also heard of abductees who have been taken to underground bases with swastika emblems on the walls, or as in the case of one abductee… Alex Christopher… who claims to have seen “Reptiloids” and Germans working together aboard antigravity craft or within underground bases.

  • Is this what America feared?
  • Is it a secret Antarctic facility where these experiments and developments continued?
  • What Operation Highjump was actually looking for?
  • Is this secret, among others, the one that cost James Forrestall his life?
  • Did an unrecorded, three hour long meeting with a group of German scientists and engineers and “Aryan” Extraterrestrials in the frozen wastelands near the South Pole cost Admiral Byrd his life?
  • Is this the origin of the “warships of space”, that the Rosenberg’s mentioned in the very shadow of the electric chair?

One thing is certain… The United States did not “invade” Antarctica, at the end of a World War and the very beginning of a Cold War… using a disproportionate share of it’s diminishing fleet… for “exploration” purposes.


If they were looking for something, they surely knew what it was they were looking for… and… a “scientific” expedition does not go forth prepared for WAR…

The map of Neu Schwabenland that cannot be exhibited in Germany, on penalty of imprisonment…


A Secret U.S. Post Office operated in Antarctica 1946-1948 causing speculation about the real reason behind two concurrent U.S. expeditions…

Finn Ronne was a Norwegian immigrant who later joined the United States Navy and was a member and officer in Admiral Byrd’s earlier expeditions to Antarctica. In 1946-8, he led a privately-financed expedition to Antarctica, following upon the heels of Operation Highjump.


Ronne’s expedition was to the Marguerite Bay area, where he reoccupied Byrd’s 1939 Base. One of the most important results of this expedition was a showing that the Antarctic Peninsula was connected to the rest of Antarctica, thus solving one of the last great public mysteries of the continent.

Writing in his book entitled “Antarctic Conquest”, he stated:

Although no one knew it, I had been operating a United States Post office too, but for reasons of state (emphasis added) had been compelled to keep it secret.

Secrecy seems to be in no scarcity as it relates to several Antarctic expeditions; perhaps in no small way due to a continued concern that the Nazis had a remnant left in Antarctica from their infamous 1938-9 “New Schwabenland” colonization of Antarctica.

The web is abundant with sites setting forth information about suspected and actual German involvement in Antarctica possibly dating back even to the late 1800’s. It does make one wonder if there were in fact, covert or as they say today, “black-ops” reasons for one or more of the Byrd Expeditions (including Operation Highjump for this discussion) as well as the private expedition of Captain Ronne.

Many online sources are available with information concerning what I have dubbed the “Byrd Conspiracy”, which was not a conspiracy by Admiral Byrd, rather what may have been an apparent conspiracy by the government to keep particular information that he had uncovered during Operation Highjump as a secret. I am not passing judgment at this time, as I am still investigating the whole thing to my satisfaction.

However, lending credence to this conspiracy theory is the observation that Admiral Byrd does in effect seem to “disappear” from public view shortly after his return from Operation Highjump in 1947– until approximately 1955 when he organized Operation Deep Freeze I, and he was reported to have been hospitalized (in a mental ward) shortly after his return in 1947.


This forced hospitalization is said to have came upon the tails of Byrd having made some remarkably candid comments (which included what smacked of being a description of a UFO) to a South American newspaper about what he had found during Operation Highjump. His disappearance from the scene after his arrival back in the states, would make it appear he may have been promptly squelched! Remember that this time period coincided roughly with the Roswell UFO sightings.


Operation Highjump would have been first, early in 1947, and then Roswell to follow in the summer of 1947.


This was a situation that was the last thing the government would have wanted, another military official (in this case a quite prominent and popular man who had spent years criss-crossing the United States giving lectures and whose word would have been quite respected and accepted) who apparently reported having seen/and or believing in UFOs!!

NOTE: If Op HJ had continued to its full expected duration of six to eight months, they would have still been in Antarctica at the time of Roswell. The expedition headed back to the U.S. in early 1947, well short of its expected ending. Some would say “limped back”, after suffering great losses of personnel and equipment. The official record only sets forth a limited loss of life and aircraft, but conspiracists feel the record has been doctored or we are not being told the full story.

Contrast this lack of public accessibility after Operation Highjump, to the previous well-known availability of Admiral Byrd in the period following his first two Antarctic Expeditions, where there are documented philatelic items from cities all over the country serving as commemorations of where Byrd visited lecturing to the public about his travels in Antarctica. That Byrd loved to travel and lecture about his polar explorations is quite evident.

The polar regions and his expeditions were his very reason for existence; he had said from the time he was a child that he felt destined to be a polar explorer. He had a passion for all things polar, especially exploration, that could scarcely be contained.


Operation Highjump was at least as important in many respects, it would appear, as his previous expeditions… so,

  • Where was he after his return?
  • Where did he go?
  • Was he locked away so he couldn’t share the story of what he really had found in Antarctica?
  • As some theorists suggest, during Operation Highjump, did he encounter and engage Nazi forces operating from bases that lodged advanced aircraft with advanced propulsion systems?

Many think so, and I am beginning to see some curiosities about many aspects of Operation Highjump and now, perhaps even with Ronne’s Expedition.

The little tidbit mentioned above that Ronne forked us in his book, only begins to tell us why the Oleana Base, Antarctica postmark is one of the rarest polar cancels that exist. With this being the first American post office established on the Antarctic continent, it is a shame that the cancel was not used more often. Is there perhaps a larger reason why this post office was kept secret? We do know that many countries, including Britain, had concurrent secret bases and or expeditions in the same general time period, notably Port Lockroy on the Antarctic peninsula.


Port Lockroy was part of a top secret World War II British expedition called Operation Tabarin.

Operation Tabarin was the beginning of Britain’s permanent presence on the Antarctic continent, and was built to serve as a southern outpost and to keep an eye on suspected Nazi presence on the ice. In a 2001 BBC interview, one of the last remaining survivors of that secret expedition, Gwion Davies, noted that the posting of mail from their secret base was a way of their laying claim to, or establishing that section of Antarctica as British sovereign territory.


In other words, just as the Nazis are known to have dropped metal dart/markers with the Third Reich swastika emblem over a large area of Antarctica during their expedition in 1939, to act as a laying of a claim; for any country (such as Britain) to have a post office that actually accepted and postmarked mail definitely shows an intention on their part of not only establishing a base, but of staying.

While the United States did not then, and does not now, recognize any country as having specific territorial claims upon Antarctica, for Ronne to have allowed his expedition members to have open mailing of letters from Oleana Base would have served a similar purpose as with Port Lockroy, but for some reason, he would not allow that to be done.




Some mail did escape, and other mail from members of the Ronne Expedition is known to have been posted from nearby British bases. The posting of mail often serves a geo-political purpose in addition to the simple fact it carries mail back home to loved ones; and it is a great curiosity to many polar philatelists and followers of Antarctic history that it was not done in this instance.


The full story about the existence of the post office (as well as even greater secrets?) may have passed with Captain Ronne.

The “Holy Grail” of Antarctic Covers

The Oleana Bay covers are most commonly seen with a date of March 12, 1947, which was the date the expedition arrived at Marguerite Bay, Antarctica.


In this instance, the cover illustrated above is extraordinary in that it is on a printed envelope from the Byrd II Antarctic Expedition, postmarked with the less common hand cancellation from that mission; then repost marked at Oleana Base in 1947, with the addition of Captain Ronne’s “corner card” and the IGY Ellsworth Station octagonal cachet, and the best part of all, Ronne’s signature in which he adds the word “Postmaster”, rounding it out to make a splendid cover!


A cover like this would fare extremely well in a polar auction. I would go so far to term it as the “Holy Grail” of a polar collection; only very few covers I can think of would be more collectable, in my opinion.

Fake News Found. But The Sheriff is Wrong.

Fake news was broadcast regarding what happened at Ferguson in 2014, but it was not born then.
Could fake news have been born in the Modern Era when Rothschild began selling government bonds indicating that Napoleon had won the battle of Waterloo?
Read Wikipedia and you would probably classify Rothschild making a fortune out of Waterloo as “fake news”. According to Wikipedia, for a Rothschild to do such a thing would be highly unlikely.
Somehow, David de Rothschild makes it to no.137 with $10 billion on the Richest 250 list. and Sir Evelyn, his father, at no. 41 on the list just happens to have twice as much; which is more in keeping for someone who manages the finances of the Queen of England.
Seriously, would you let a person run your financial affairs if they were in the business of running down the family fortune?
Apparently, fake news is what influences people to make political decisions, not the fact a person might not have a job, or open borders are magnets for terrorists and rapists, because of government policy.
Snopes is an organization that claims it is above deception and has no bias whatsoever. Snopes only highlights the truth, as in the case of Newsweek declaring Hillary Clinton, President, when Snopes reports:

An image showing Hillary Clinton on the cover of a Newsweek publication under the title “Madam President” is real but is not proof that the news outlet colluded with the Clinton campaign prior to the 2016 presidential election [to influence the voters].

Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal [i.e.socialist/communist] Blogger

James O’Keefe blew the lid on the Democrats election rigging (using dead voters, busing in out-of-state voters to vote early and often at different polling booths, and other criminal tactics) and two key Democrat operators were dismissed. One of the vote riggers, Bob Creamer, met regularly with the fraudulent President Obama. claimed the Project Veritas’ videos recording the Democrat operatives boasting how they violate the election laws, and have been getting away with it for years, were false, stating:

The videos are, as is typical of O’Keefe’s, work somewhat of a gish gallop, comprising a constellation of allegations and assertions that is virtually impossible to fact check without complete clips of the involved conversations.

Obama said that election fraud did not exist and the fake media needed to be prevented from influencing the outcome of elections.
The “fake media” Obama was talking about was not the real fake media that we come to know as Newsweek, Snopes, CNN (Clinton News Network), ABC or any of the other anti-Trump but Democrat supporting media services and blogs, otherwise known as MSM (Making Slaves Malleable).
Obama was talking about the likes of Drudge Report, Project Veritas, Zero Hedge, Brietbart, Daily Caller, Infowars, WND, Rense, Hagman and Hagman,The Savage Nation, The Gateway Pundit; in other words, every media outlet and commentator that questions the official narrative of the globalists.
Governments controlling the free press and the internet is not going to go away. The Democrats are seeking control of the internet in the US.
Facebook may not be government owned, but Zuckerberg colludes with the government, because he sees that this is in his best interests—we are told these people have our interests at heart.
There was a time when Bill Gates refused to become a member of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and co-operate in the big picture to bring about the New World Order; consequently, Microsoft was being sued on different fronts.
Gates joined the CFR. He founded the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation, then began to promote the agenda of the New World Order. Afterwards, Microsoft’s problematic and costly legal issues were miraculously resolved in Gates’ favor.
Now Bill Gates tours the world speaking on subjects such as vaccination and the need to protect children from population explosion—code for gardasil and sterilization and things of that nature to help the climate; sorry, depopulation.
Zuckerberg is not a sucker for punishment by the Seventh Floor Group, otherwise known as the Shadow Government.
We are told that such governments (as the Shadow Government) do not exist and everybody who says they do are called conspiracy theorists.
However, the tag of “conspiracy theorist” is not working as a means of social control, these days.
Too many people are breaking out of the stocks and they are not falling for the propaganda, because they realize a conspiracy is what corrupt governments have in mind for them.
The new term “Fake News” is what the pundits think might really do the trick. This way websites with fake news can make all sorts of allegations and people will be forced back to the fake news they can trustMakingSlaves Malleable.
Just in case people are confused who to blame, we are being told the “Alt-right” is at fault. The Alt-right are fabricators of fake news and therefore need to be outed for what they are.
Now that it has been established by that there were 200 people at a gathering and some of them raised their hands and said, “Heil Trump” (or did they say,”Hail Trump!”)—this implies that every anti-New World Order person is now a Nazi.
Fascism is a form of government that is designed to make the rich, richer, and the poor, poorer. Fascism is the worst kind of capitalism because this is where the government protects the totalitarian capitalists.
Socialism is the government, we are told, that looks after the workers and everybody lives in a land of Kumbaya—except it is not the Lord God Creator of the Universe who is doing the helping.
Rather, it is the corrupt socialists—fat-cat fascists who are now socialists—and central bankers helping themselves to the spoils while the rest of the population shop at empty storeseven when they have a delivery of goods.
Neither fascism, socialism or communism have anything to do with liberty. They are political ideologies, as is Islam.
True liberty comes from without this world and is secured within our hearts.
  • Stand fast therefore in the liberty with which Christ has made us free and do not be entangled again with the yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1 Jubilee Bible)
In the days to come, the New World Order will not be so much about empty stores, but whether or not you have the digitsor enough digitsin your implanted chip to buy the goods that you desire.
Now this digitized caper might seem like fake news, but digits are numbers, and if we do not have the right numbers on our hands, or on our foreheads then, if alive, we will not be able to buy or sell.
Those who oppose the message of the New World Order will find themselves in dire straits indeed. The Pope who supported Hillary Clinton speaks out about fake news.
One prediction of which we can be certain, the mark of the beast is coming, the writing is on the wall, only it willnot be enforced worldwide next year during 2017.
We really need to set up as many email networks as possible to keep open channels of communication, because the Shadow Government’s agenda is not going to be trumped by Trump.
When Rome starts talking openly about the sickness of copraphilia which is well known among its diseased priests, we know that the clan of the five arrows are planning something for the world.
Just in case we do not take this serious, the English spooks from MI6 have come out of the shadows to reinforce the meme that these people who reject the New World Order are a threat to democracy.

America2050 Plan has Harney and Grant County Oregon Ranchers in its sights.


Underperforming Counties mean at least 25% of the population of your county isn’t within one of the eleven megaregions. Check this map to see if moving is in your future. 


Originally posted on RaptormanReports

America 2050 is basically the plan of development for the United States of America for the first half of the 21st century by and is coincidentally similar to other Ford and Rockefeller Foundation funded plans such as Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. All of these plans promote moving people off the land into dense urban areas through social- economic or “other” means, as is well understood by the bureaucrats. This plan is incredibly detailed and even goes to the county level. Many have discussed the overview of this ongoing program but lets take a closer look and possibly understand what the future holds for property rights disputes like the one currently happening near Burns, Oregon.

Included in the maps and research on the organization’s website is a section on underperforming counties and areas. It is, once again, very similar to the Biodiversity Corridor maps of areas to be cleared of humans and Harney and Grant counties are targeted specifically as underperforming counties out of all of Oregon.

Ranchers in Harney and Grant Counties are feeling the effects



Underperforming counties or “white spaces” are a nice term for an area that needs to be cleared of people because its population does not lay within a mega region zone and therefore it makes no sense to keep funding infrastructure for human habitation.  These areas are to be set aside as wildlife corridors or used to extract resources by international corporations such as Uranium One , in this particular case. Multinational corporations will establish huge resource extraction operations far from the preying eyes of the public. Of course it is couched in nice terms and mundane language to save the environment, combat climate change or whatever is convenient at the time.

If 25% of your population does not reside with in a mega region you live in a non performing county or “white space”.  You will eventually be moved out. 






How Easy Do You Think You Are Fooled?

A married black Christian heterosexual with two children, worthy of the Noble Peace Prize, and born in Hawaii is the President of the United States of America.

The world rejoices!

In late September, this year (2016), The Arizona Republic reported that Sheriff Joe Arpaio still has a team investigating the authenticity of Barak Obama’s birth certificate noting:

Lead investigator Mike Zullo said that an official at the hospital listed on Obama’s birth certificate, Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu, Hawaii “assured me that birth never took place there, and I believe him.”


Barak Obama has been outed as a homosexual by Gary Sinclair and three other people. They are all dead.

The person who put together this fake picture of Obama kissing David Cameron has not been reported dead.

Inline image 1

Andrew Breitbart is dead (2012). He had put together evidence of  Pizzagate, which includes Obama.

Michelle Obama was born a man, Michael LaVaughn Robinson, who later changed his name after having a sex change and then changing schools.

Who is Michael Lavaughn Robinson?

The problem is there are no records of Michelle Obama giving birth to the Obama children. Furthermore, there is no authentic record of her being pregnant. There are no records of her attending any doctor prior to giving birth for a pregnancy check up of any kind.

The conspiracy against the people of the world is that everybody is so stupid they will not believe that a shadow government (which supposedly does not exist) can put a homosexual and a transsexual in the White House and say they are married with children.

If you are feeling upset now, that is, okay. I understand.

I had some people very upset about my exposing Hillary Clinton.

In fact, earlier in the year, a man came to see me to express his disappointment that I write about Hillary Clinton being depraved and send it to people throughout the world so they can read it. 

This man was once a member of the Exclusive Brethren. Now he is a Christian who believes everything he sees of TV. 

A Pastor with whom I met up with when having lunch at a restaurant, told me he did not want to break our friendship over what I was saying about Hillary Clinton. She was going to be the first woman president of the USA.

He too believes what he hears and sees on TV. In his case, especially, the ABC.

Larry Sinlair testified about having sexual relations and snorting cocaine with Barak Obama.

Larry was found dead not long after.

Why would a person make false allegations against the President of the United States? 

If Sinclair was paid, like women were to make up false accusations about Donald Trump’s sexual activity, then he could have been dismissed as a lunatic. 

Besides Larry Sinclair was a convicted felon and discrediting him would have been so easy. Who would listen to a convicted felon giving false testimony?

On the other hand, Reverend Jeremiah Wright seems to have gone off the rails with his liberation theology, from what investigative journalist Wayne Madsen uncovered, for he is actively encouraging and supporting homosexuals in Chicago.

Homosexuals at Wright’s church, who were a little loose with their lips, began to suddenly die when Obama was on his way to being elected President.

In late 2007, as Obama began his ascent to be the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, in a span of 1½ months, all three men “conveniently” died:

  • Bland was murdered execution-style on November 17, 2007;
  • Young was murdered execution-style on December 24, 2007;
  • Spencer reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV on December 26, 2007.

Not only is Barak Obama a homosexual but he is also a Muslim. Yet Obama played the Christian card with Jeremiah Wright evidently being in on the conspiracy.

However, Secret Service agent Paul Horner has blown the lid on the White House in his book The Black House. Amazingly, he is still alive!

Obama is both a practicing Muslim and a homosexual.

As odd as it seems, homosexual acts are practiced by Muslim men, as long as they do not make a public show of it.

Fellowship of the Minds website owner searched in vain to find documentation that would prove the Obama’s were a legitimate heterosexual couple with their own biological children. and have no records of Malia or Sasha being born, which is too unlikely to be a mere coincidence if they are in the fact the biological children of Barack and Michelle, considering the fact that they are widely-known public figures.

Joan Rivers’ death was extraordinary; because she had a biopsy that cut off her air supply when having a routine endoscopy, after stating in a matter-of-fact way that everybody knows Michelle Obama is a tranny. Evidently, an unknown individual posing as a doctor was also at the scene at the time of her death.
In an attempt to make light of all the evidence that is surfacing and the allegations that have been made, Michelle Obama posted fake pics of her supposedly being pregnant.
There are no real photos of her being pregnant. Her flaccid stomach muscles gave her the appearance she was pregnant, when she wasn’t. But that was just a rumor to throw people of the scent that Michelle is really Michael.
Inline image 3
Easy to fool people with a tent dress that a person is pregnant. But only if you want to believe a lie.
Inline image 2
There is a bulge in this pic. Looks like a bun in the oven. But the problem with this pic is it was taken when she was already in the White House.
Is Barak (or is it Barry) Obama saying, “Keep pushing out?”
Michael’s face indicates he is pushing out his stomach.—Must be a coincidence.
As for Barak Obama being born in Hawaii, Why does Kenya celebrate being the place of President Obama’s birth? —Maybe that is a dodgy sign.
Malia looks like her real father Martin Nisbett and Sasha looks like her real mother Dr Anita Blanchett, who just happen to be the children’s god parents.—Surely not another coincidence.

As years passed and babies arrived, the group meshed over barbecues, husbands-against-wives Scrabble games and tennis lessons. They vacationed together: in December, with the Obamas in Hawaii; in August, with Ms. Jarrett on Martha’s Vineyard.Mr. Nesbitt’s wife, Dr. Anita Blanchard, delivered nearly all the children, and the adults became their godparents.–Jodi Kantordec. (Dec. 13, 20008)

The shadow government (7th floor group that supposedly does not exist) we are learning has deep ties to Luciferian worship. Not that this is new (but it may be for you) because receivers of this weekly email have been alerted to this fact many moons ago.
Now people are going to be deceived because they refuse to accept the truth. They may claim they love the truth but they will be deceived, because they do not like the person telling them the truth. 
Hillary Clinton speaks lies all the time, so does Obama, the media, politicians and the other globalist minions. Why do they lie?
The Son of God says that this is the reason people lie:
  • You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44)
If you find it easy to tell lies, then you will find it easy to believe them. This is why blackmail is the bond that holds politicians, the shadow government and corrupt businessmen together, not the truth, even though they like to believe they follow Lucifer, the angel of light.
Just in case you really need a comparison between Michelle Obama and a person who has hyperadrogenism, there are two photos that clearly show the difference at this link
Or do your own investigation and check comparable photos of Caster Semenya and Michelle Obama, the difference is revealingly obvious, for as they say, a picture tells more than a thousand words.

When Can A Snake Ever Be Trusted

Forgiving people of what they have done is a noble act.

However, if that someone is a snake and you take that snake into your own house, Is this wise?

For there is a difference between forgiving and accepting that which has yet to prove it has changed behavior.

The story told by Donald Trump when on the campaign trail concerning the snake that was taken into a woman’s house had a bad ending. The poisonous snake did what poisonous snakes are prone to do and bit the woman who nursed it back to health.

From The Weight of Glory by famous author C.S. LEWIS

Forgiving is not excusing

When it comes to a question of our forgiving other people, it is partly the same and partly different. It is the same because, here also, forgiving does not mean excusing. Many people seem to think it does.

They think that if you ask them to forgive someone who has cheated or bullied them you are trying to make out that there was really no cheating or no bullying. But if that were so, there would be nothing to forgive.

They keep on replying, “But I tell you the man broke a most solemn promise.” Exactly: that is precisely what you have to forgive.

(This doesn’t mean that you must necessarily believe his next promise. It does mean that you must make every effort to kill every taste of resentment in your own heart—every wish to humiliate or hurt him or to pay him out.)

The difference between this situation and the one in which you are asking God’s forgiveness is this. In our own case we accept excuses too easily; in other people’s we do not accept them easily enough.

One man who had gotten out of jail had a bad track record of disrespect, telling lies and being dishonest. He approached me and asked if I would put in a good word for him with his previous landlord, to whom I knew he owed money.

I explained to him that he still owed his previous landlord money and there were other matters regarding his behavior that demonstrated, as far as his previous landlord was concerned, he was a problem tenant.

The ex-prisoner said, “But that’s all over now, I’ve paid my debt.”

Unfortunately, people think that their perception of life is the correct one when reality leaves a difficult calling card.

This is like saying that an adherent of Islam is different if a Muslim hails from another country other than Saudi Arabia.

The recent case of a Burmese Muslim blowing up people in a bank in Melbourne, Australia, tells us a different story.

Moderate Muslims still appear to be unconcerned that child suicide bombers are recruited by so-called radicalized Islamic terrorists.

There just does not seem to be any outcry against this practice from those who are adherents of the god of this world.

In Germany, an Eritrean woman went under cover and discovered that migrant Muslims plan to take over the country and obliterate Christianity.

The nature of the snake is not just found in Islam.

Duplicitous individuals are found wherever integrity is disregarded and people do not feel any compulsion to acknowledge the true God, the Judge of all who live on the Earth.

Those who think that the unrighteous and the righteous have the same fate in this world, and the wicked are given another chance in the next world, overlook what is spelled out very clearly in the Bible.

  •  Far be it from thee to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from thee! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25)

If there is such a thing as right and wrong, surely there has to be such a thing as righteous judgment.

People know what judgment can mean for them, and they avoid it if they can.

In India, rich Hindus are begging the poor to help them because they fear being caught not paying taxes.

Haughty employers who mistreat household help are now treating those they abuse with kindness, lest these employees do not help them hide their wealth and they are thrown in jail for evading tax they should have paid.

Rumors abound that Hillary and Bill Clinton are seeking to be forgiven and excused for their evil actions of treason, fraud, lying to congress, pedophilia, rape, and the list goes on.

While we can forgive the ignorant, we must not excuse the behavior of those who purposefully disregard the rights of other people. Those who do betray the rights of people they represent.

While other people have been jailed for doing less, Jesse Jackson seeks a pardon for Hillary Clinton,

Surely,Jesse Jackson is not blinded by his desire for mercy. For when it has come to others, he expressed a different view, which causes one to raise an eyebrow and wonder, What’s in it for him?

Jackson wanted the Detroit Lions football team to be heavily penalized lest other people thought they could start violating what was right to do.

When we excuse people’s evil behavior, even though we forgive them for that they have done, they will continue to be the snakes they were all along.

One thing is for sure, we can trust every person to be human. This means that those who are snakes have to become butterflies and demonstrate changed behavior before their former behavior can be excused in their case.

People can change and do change. However, the Bible says

  • Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22.6)

What this means is those who are trained to be snakes will always be snakes—unless a snake ceases to be a snake and becomes a saint.

To become a saint requires new birth and a metamorphosis. Those who are trained to be saints will be known by their deeds. Those who keep their word can be trusted.

The first five years of a person’s life is when the foundations of a person’s character are laid. The same applies to those who experience a second birth.

The five year rule (Lev. 19:23-25) has a habit of sorting out the snakes from the saints. Only those who are committed to exercising faith in God will truly demonstrate the fruit of repentance in their lives (Matthew 3:8) and will continue in the ways of righteousness (Isaiah 61:3).


How Those Who Reject The Truth Really Think

Within days after the election of Donald Trump as President of the USA assassination threats were abounding on twitter.

Professor Kevin Allred, a white person, started tweeting his desire to kill white people.

Then the self-righteous, God-less souls thought that rape was a better option and advocated rape on twitter, which allowed “Rape Melania” to trend after the site exploded from Trump assassination threats.

These hate-filled souls found an accomplish in Paul Schrader, the director of the films Taxi Driver (1976), Raging Bull (1980), The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) and Bringing Out the Dead (1999) and another 27 feature films, as well as winner of 24 film awards, when he calls for violence and speaks of financing those who are willing to be violent.

Besides this, can you believe that so-called humane people tolerate and sanction this behavior?

The true nature of what people are really like abounds on social media and in the MSM—especially the true nature of those who do not know the Living God.

Before his election as President (rather than the treasonous criminal Hillary Clinton) people were not taking Donald Trump seriously, now they do, and look what happens: that which resides deep down in the hearts of humans governed by the god of this world starts to rise.

David Attenborough is seen as a lovely, gentle, kind man who really cares about animals and all life on this planet—so he says.

In 2015, Attenborough visited the White House to speak with President Obama.

In a cosy interview with US President Barack Obama, the two men chatted about the early seeds of their love of the natural world – and their struggles to preserve it. When asked about the experience of meeting the most powerful man in the world, Attenborough was exuberant.

We are told that David Attenborough has a love for the natural world, but he appears to have no qualms about shooting Donald Trump now that he has been elected President of the United States; as one report states:

However, the naturalist and beloved broadcaster has now given his assessment of the situation and suggested a way to counter the Republican’s ascent to power which, believe it or not, involves a gun.

In an interview with the Radio Times, the nonagenarian was probed about how we solve a problem like Mr Trump and quipped: “We could shoot him.”—Bididaya News

Naturalists claim they are concerned about the world: climate change, the creatures and plants that inhabit the globe. Yet when it comes to people, we are the problem and best exterminated; so the cowardly academics among them put out the meme so others might take it up.

Richard Dawkins believes he came from a monkey. Actually, Dawkins is famous for making a monkey of himself. And he can be very vocal about how those who do not believe like him are idiots—literally.

Dawkins delights in scoffing at other people who do not believe like him by saying that they are gullible and irrational because they believe nonsense; whereas he does not believe nonsense, for he only accepts scientific truth—so he says.

Dawkins, being the not-so-rational scientist he claims to be, reacted blindly and ignorantly, without thought, to the news that Donald Trump has now become the President Elect of United States by seeking to live in New Zealand.

He wrote a letter seeking citizenship as a New Zealander, claiming:

The contribution that creative intellectuals can make to the prosperity and cultural life of a nation is out of all proportion to their numbers. You could make New Zealand the Athens of the modern world.

Yes, dear New Zealand, I know it’s an unrealistic, surreal pipe dream. But on the day after U.S. election day, in the year of Brexit, the distinction between the surreal and the awfulness of the real seems to merge in a bad trip from which a pipe dream is the only refuge.


Richard Dawkins, founder and board chairman, Richard Dawkins Foundation

Some people are so full of themselves they overlook that what comes out of their mouths really does makes flowers grow in green pastures—especially on New Zealand dairy farms.

The Earthquakes in New Zealand would terrify the quisling Dawkings who, like all yellow-bellied atheists, has not the character to seek out God, even to demonstrate scientifically that He does not exist, lest he finds the Judge of all and has to come clean about his impure heart.

Richard Dawkings has been called “a secularist bigot” by his mentor from earlier years,  the ex-atheist Antony Flew, after he read this prophet of New Atheism’s book The God Delusion.

Antony Flew claimed that Dawkins was “more interested in promoting his personal views than finding truth”.

How could anyone (such as his previous mention) possibly possess such an idea about the all-knowing Richard Dawkings being full of himself?

Seeking truth requires us to be honest with ourselves. Antony Flew came to his senses and recognized that there had to be a Creator to the Universe, because the evidence is overwhelming—except to the intellectually deceived and spiritually blind.

We might claim we are seeking truth but we have to acknowledge that we will interpret everything according to our own perceptions of what life is about, or how we have been indoctrinated at the school we attended.

This is a truth none of us can escape, unless we begin by saying we do not know and allow the evidence to reveal its truth.

In fact, one man I know who claims that he checks the evidence, whose motto is to say, “I do not know”. He wrote to me and said that he has gone beyond the ridiculous notions of believing that we need to become children and acknowledge “we do not know the answers to life” in order to learn God’s plan and purpose for mankind.

According to him, he left all that nonsense (concerning loving one’s neighbor and the resurrection of the dead years ago) when he stopped attending a Roman Catholic school.

Contrary to popular belief, Roman Catholicism is a man-made religion that incorporates pagan ideas, as its hierarchy assumes superiority and absorbs whatever is necessary that belongs to a culture, so the organization can make easy conversions of the people over whom they seek to rule—in violation of what is written in the Bible—even claiming to be the Church of Christ on Earth.

What began with Constantine has not ended and the Roman Catholic preisthood taking the political highroad and doing the work of the Devil is well documented throughout history; as are the different practices found in westernized Roman Catholicism to Third World Roman Catholicism—not to mention the rampant hebephilia that persists from the Pope down: the reason for (Pope Benedict XVI) Joseph Ratzinger’s resignation.

But getting back to the man who wrote to me, who claims he checks the evidence. This supposed enlightened man of whom I speak, having thrown the baby out with the bathwater, now subscribes to the ideas of David Ike, who astro-theologist Jordan Maxwell claims plagiarized many of his ideas.

David Ike believes that aliens and human beings have interbred, there is a reptilian race that rules this world—pointing his finger at the British and European royal families and some invisible race of aliens to which they apparently belong, who are coming back to take over Earth.

The truth is every one of us begins life in this world without any knowledge of anything recorded in our spirits, which have been programmed by the Creator to recordeverything we say and do, and enable us to choose between right and wrong—or whatever we are conditioned to believe erroneously as right or wrong.

Humans are like computers that possess the programming of an operating system and its software. The software within each one can be overwritten to accept different worldviews for interpreting the world.

One truth we cannot deny is humans are born into this world and then they die, mostbefore they reach the age of 80 years. Isn’t this correct?

The Bible states that those who possess hatred in their hearts cannot know eternal life (1 John 3:15).

The Bible also states:

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” (Ps. 14:1)

What is amazing, so many people who are respected by the majority of the population because they are promoted in the media as great human beings, worthy of respect, hate individuals like the President Elect Donald Trump and do not believe God exists; yet they claim they are rational thinkers and not emotionally controlled by irrational beliefs.

Death reigns.

Seeking out our Creator is our only hope of eternal life and providing a purpose for our existence.

Thank God, Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead and we who are genuine of heart can encounter Him today.

Nobody Thought That These Jobs Would Go, But Robots Are Going To Take Over

Robots are being used to replace workers.  They are never late for work and can be replaced without unions or lawyers causing hassles. There are no gender issues. There is no discrimination. They do not go on strike. They do not steal.

Robots are cheaper, work 24/7 and do not require annual leave, compassionate leave or any other leave because of bereavement or illness.

One of the jobs that manufacturers found difficult to replace was that of sewing garments..

Material that is used to make clothes has no defined hard edges and not rigid enough for robots to be programmed to pick up and move around in a sewing machine.

The game has changed and a patent has been filed for a robotic arm that can do what sewers do. When this robot takes over a hundred million jobs will disappear.

How are people going to have money to spend if everything is made by a robot and more people are on the dole queues?

Throughout the industrial age, improvements have meant better living standards for people as they were paid more and acquired more sophisticated skills.

The information age also brought about new opportunities for people to learn new skills as old abilities were no longer required.

No longer is there the same need of paper for letters, books or newspapers. The paper industry has seen a massive layoff of employees from the introduction of computers and the internet.

Associated skills such as stenographers, typists and compositors are no longer required. Nor the need for the manufacturing of the equipment that was used and the office and factory space.

What is happening to countries around the world is people are becoming redundant. In the USA and Europe, people graduate from University only to discover that there are no jobs available.

Largely, this is because their jobs have been going overseas. Educated people from poorer countries who will work for less.

Seriously, what do you think is going to happen?

The only option will be to reduce the population.

Just look at what is happening as unskilled migrants from poorer countries flood into Europe and the United States, Canada and Australia.

Ostensibly, the Governments say that the immigrants are welcome to fill the manufacturing jobs that unemployed citizens refuse. But there will be no need for them because the robots will be cheaper, work 24/7, less trouble and are easily replaced.

Workers will have nothing to do. Maybe there will be flowers everywhere and peace will prevail across the West.

Ghettos exist because people have no employment, no money and not much hope of getting paid for doing work. Ghettos are war zones.

Islam we are told is the religion of peace. Well, this is what we are told, because in Islamic ghettos there is peace for all who are Muslim. And eventually there is a final peace for those who are not.

  • Take me not off with the wicked, with those who are workers of evil, who speak peace with their neighbors, while mischief is in their hearts. Psalm 28:3
  • “There is no peace,” says the Lord, “for the wicked.” Isaiah 48:22

George Bush thinks that people can knowingly deceive the populace and there is no reckoning afterwards. According to this member of the Bush crime family money trumps peace.

So what are the corporations going to do to make money when there are no jobs?

How are the bankers going to earn money on what they lend?

Maybe those in power have something else in mind and, there is a high probability, you and I are not included.

A record number nearly 95 million Americans were not in the United States of America labor force in May.

This is closer to 33% of the population and not just the workers. The official statistics claim that the less than 5% of the workforce are unemployed.

The truth is over 14 million Americans, closer to 20% of workers have become unemployed since Obama came into power, yet people are told jobs are increasing—for robots!

Climate Change Now International Law

The news cycle during the first 8 days of November had been preoccupied by the US Presidential elections, especially in the US, but also in many other countries.

Now that Trump has won Hillary supporters are in riot mode.

One is tempted to call out all who had false predictions and prophecies, but there is something more important that has gone under the radar which concerns us all.

On Friday, November 4, last week, a day before Guy Fawkes Night, when royalists celebrate the foiled plot on November 5, 1605, to kill King James I of England, by blowing up the House of Lords, the Paris Agreement to combat climate change became international law.

The Paris Climate Change Agreement has been signed by sufficient countries for it to become a binding treaty which will be enforcable by international law

The climate change propaganda says that the moral challenge and the most imperative action required today is to tackle global warming amid the growing fears that the world is becoming hotter, faster than scientists expected.

Climate change may be escalating so fast it could be ‘game over’, scientists warn.

Donald Trump promised to pull out the US from the Paris Climate Agreement once he is inaugurated as President.

Interesting times are ahead. Pulling out of agreements once ratified is not so easy to do for more reasons than one. Brexit is an example of this.

At this link you will learn that in April, 2016, the accord was signed by 196 nations in New York.

This means that the United Nations has been given power to prosecute anybody who breaks any of the associated determinations that are made concerning Climate Change—including speaking out against it.

Let’s revisit some realty.

Wired is an international magazine and news service that focuses on business, technology, lifestyle, and thought-leaders (people who are sought out because they are leaders or experts in a particular field of industry).

Some ten years ago, in the year 2006, this self-proclaimed cutting-edge service decided to grapple with Climate Change and sought out three thought-leaders (prophets) who had written books on the subject. Environmentalist authors Lester R. Brown, Elizabeth Kolbert and Tim Flannery were lined up to be interviewed by Mark Anderson.

Unfortunately, two of the interviews appear to be nonexistent. The first interview that Mark Anderson kicked off the series is still available.

Essentially, the following is the crux of that interview with Tim Flannery:

Wired News: Are you generally hopeful for the future in a climate-changing world? Tim Flannery:  “Things are worse than climate models are suggesting. The classic example of that is of the hurricane season…hurricane intensity …in the real world … arriving a hell of a lot faster than we see predicted in the computer models…. I’m really worried that we’re swiftly running out of time to deal with the problem. I do think that if we’re going to survive this first threat to global civilization….we will need to put ourselves on a war footing….”

Wired News quotes physicist Paul Davies, who claims that the evidence for catastrophic climate change is flimsy.

Flannery responds by saying, “Look at the fossil record, see what happens when we get rapid climate change…There will just be losers.…  [Flannery then says that we are to imagine what it will be like in 2016.]  Sea levels have started to rise quickly. And governments around the world are spending even more money than they are now in defending their low-lying areas. How much is the U.S. spending right now in New Orleans?  Imagine that cost replicated right around the southern and eastern coast of the U.S. And partly on the West Coast, too.
Imagine oil prices at twice or three times what they are today. 
Imagine the increased problems of hurricanes and insurance losses at the same time.  And imagine the problems of water availability as well, because we’re getting a lot of extreme weather…. In 10 years’ time [2016], we may not have the luxury of money and time to think about these things. And to act.”

We have just learned what Flannery prophesied in 2006. Now the year 2016 is nearly over and, instead of doubling or tripling in price, oil is around $44 a barrel, no where near the predicted price of approximately $180 a barrel.

The world is not yet a desert. In fact, record harvests  of grains have been recorded during 2016.

The Kiribati Islands were supposed to have been under water by now, instead they have actually increased in size.

What happened in New Orleans with Katrina is not happening there now and neither anything like it anywhere else on the coast of the USA.

The seas are not rising and flooding all the low-lying coastlines.

Hurricanes have been much less intense and fewer in number than were prophesied. Apart from Haiti, Hurricane Matthew did not create the damage predicted.

There is not going to be a mass extinction on Earth because of rising seas or flood.

Scaremonger Tim Flannery is on record in 2004 as having prophesied that Perth, Australia (pop. 2,000,000), would become the first ghost metropolis of the 21st century because it would have no water.

Flannery also prophesied there would be no water in the dams on the East Coast of Australia.

In 2010, Australia experienced its third-wettest year since national rainfall records began in 1900, with second place taken by 2011. The dams in the East Coast filled with water and Perth has access to sufficient water.

So much for the dire predictions of drought and extreme heat.

This year (2016) has been a very wet and cold year for Australia, with record rain recorded in Southern Australiasome of the flood damage from a creek in the pic below (or from this link).

Inline image 1

The Lord God told Noah that he would not flood the Earth again. Seas rising to flood the Earth are false according to the Bible.

Evolutionary theory is merely the imagination of men like supposed scientist Tim Flannery (who is on record claiming that Earth is the goddess “Gaia”).

The Bible also tells us that Jesus said that unless He returnsthe Earth would seedestruction like never before, but not because of a flood. This could only be a reference to nuclear war or something similar.

A war that would be so devastating that even the many underground shelters the elite have prepared for themselves would not save them.

Jesus is going to return soon. We who are alive now have a job to do.

The book of James tells us that if we bring another soul to salvation, we also guarantee the salvation of our own souls. 

Of course, this is providing we continue in walking in the ways of the Lord God.

Countries are going to face energy problems as part of the campaign to get people to submit to the will of the Soros’s of this world and those who control the global central banks.

If you think this will not happen, just think of all those people who were crying (link) for the Satanist, pedophile, witch, Hillary Clinton who ripped off billions from the $7 billion given to her to help the people of Haiti, just because she did not become President of the USA, and hold what is the most powerful political office on the globe.

How deceived can people be?

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